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Aquarius forecast for Friday May 17, 2024

Updated: 8 hours ago
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As Venus, the planet of love, converges with your ruler, Uranus, the sky has a gift to give you. But your ability to accept and appreciate it depends on what you expect it to be. You're confident about a certain plan. You know what you need to do to get things to work out in the way you want them to. And it would help if a very specific development took place. So... the challenge is going to involve letting go of this idea. Be more flexible and imaginative. When this weekend brings an unexpected occurrence, it's a good idea to embrace it.

The upcoming Venus-Jupiter conjunction invites you to deepen your connections with loved ones. Gather your closest friends or family to share stories, create memories, and savour the warmth of those precious moments. Learn More.

May 16, 2024

We'll never know if Michelangelo sketched his work on the ceiling of the Sistine Chapel before getting his paintbrush out. But the advantage of using a pencil is clear; the work can be changed before the application of paint. As Mars, your traditional ruler, moves to meet Jupiter, it's an invitation to think about your vision of the future. Is your picture already painted in oils? Or is it a light sketch, which is open to influence? There are possibilities opening to you now that you haven't legislated for. Be ready to adapt today.

May 15, 2024

You know what you want to do. And it's frustrating that you're not in a situation where you're able to do it. So... what should you do? Try doing what you least dislike doing! And be prepared for unexpected developments. Even if you focus on something disconnected from your ideal, if you set forward with an enthusiastic open heart, you'll get closer to your goal. A small amount of success, in whatever you do, will lead to a larger amount of success later down the line. Just keep your standards high, and stay hopeful. You'll see.

May 14, 2024

We're imaginative creatures. We can have a tiny idea and it can grow into a huge project. And we can have a big idea about something that seems insignificant to other people. Creativity is powerful stuff. And just as the size of the concept is irrelevant, so is the degree of its success. What matters is quality of thought and inspiration. Just because an insight doesn't come accompanied by a lightbulb moment or a drumroll doesn't mean it's not significant. Don't dismiss an idea because it's simple. Therein lies its beauty.

May 13, 2024

The problem with solving problems is that once you've sorted one, another pops up. But I'm not telling you anything new. Since you're an adept problem-solver, you know all about their regenerative abilities. And your awareness gives you an advantage. You know that nothing in life is permanently perfect. And that challenges are part of its perfection. Today, with your ruler, Uranus, in a powerful position, if you allow yourself to be OK with whatever unfolds, you'll be open to an inspiring idea that's as close-to-perfection as you can get.

May 12, 2024

Your Weekly Love Focus Horoscope: Suppose you're on a steep hill, and you need to get a broken-down car to the garage on the other side? Even if there are other folk around to help, it's going to be a difficult job. Unless, of course, the vehicle is already near the top. Then, once you've got it over the crest, you can freewheel it down to your destination. As the Sun links with your ruler this week, you can find a brilliant solution to a tiresome problem. In a matter of the heart, if you make a concerted effort, you'll encourage a movement, that surprises (and delights) you.

May 11, 2024

Your Weekly Horoscope: Of course we all understand the need to be careful with our finances. Money is, so they say, a limited resource. Yet there are lots of other things we need to be careful about parting with. One of them, which we easily forget, is our power. Sometimes we don't even notice we've given it away. This week, as the Sun converges with your ruler, Uranus, it brings an inspirational way to redress an imbalance and reclaim an advantage. From your enhanced position you can orchestrate a change that benefits you, and others too.